
Global Summit on Diamond Open Access

Toluca, México

The purpose of the Global Summit on Diamond Open Access is to bring the Diamond OA community together in a dialogue between journal editors, organizations, experts, and stakeholders from Global South and North, seeking to implement collective action in the spirit of the UNESCO and BOAI 20 years Recommendations on Open Science, where Equity, Sustainability, Quality and Usability are the pillars of our work.

This summit is a commitment to keep a frank and open conversation to establish a dialogue that will allow us to strengthen an inclusive publishing sector that fosters scientific advances. Joining forces, sharing infrastructure, increasing capacities, meeting, recognizing each other, as well as understanding that OA is a means to an end, are the motivations that guide the call for a Global Summit on Diamond Open Access.

For the first time, the global OA Diamond community will meet in the city of Toluca, Mexico, to exchange and coordinate actions for a better support of equity in scholarly communication practices. The summit is co-organised by Redalyc, the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, AmeliCA, UNESCO, CLACSO and the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access, and will combine two conferences during Open Access Week. The first conference of this double agenda, is the IV Redalyc Journal Editors International Conference, which will also celebrate the Redalyc 20th anniversary and will include the II Meeting of AmeliCA members. The second event will welcome the 2nd Diamond Open Access Conference, which brings together signatories of the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access. 

We are pleased to invite actors from all continents, who share the vision of scientific communication for the common benefit, to come together in a multilingual and diverse event, to start a movement that will lead us to recognize and support Diamond Open Access publishing and direct actions to achieve a global village of knowledge.

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